"I Am Assange!" Daniel Elsberg, Other Allies Ask US to Prosecute Them, Too - newsweek.com
Recommended reading: Tucker Carlson Puts Assange's Deeds and Arrest in Perspective - lewrockwell.com
Excerpt from this article: "Tucker Carlson Stands almost alone in telling the truth about Julian Assange, both what he did - and did not do."
For further info on Julian Assange...
Craig Murray: Chelsea and Julian Are in Jail. History Trembles - lewrockwell.com
Ron Paul: US Henchmen Arrest Assange. Show Trial to Follow! (video)
The Legal Narrative Funnel That's Being Used to Extract Assange - zerohedge.com
Why Isn't Assange Charged With Collusion With Russia? - nationalreview.com
What Does Julian Assange Know About Hillary Clinton That She Doesn't Want Exposed? - canadafreepress.com
Wikileaks Confirms Safety of Assange's Cat - thehill.com