Thursday, January 12, 2023

Daily Quote for Friday, January 13, 2023

 "A popular and successful young minister in America became entangled in the meshes of infidelity., left the pulpit, joined an infidel club, and derided the name he had preached to others as Savior of the world. But he sickened and came to his death-bed. His friends gathered round him, and tried to comfort him with their cold and icy theories, but in vain. He said, 'Wife, bring me my Greek Testament.' Upon his bed, he turned to the fifteenth chapter of the First Epistle to the  Corinthians. When he had finished the chapter, great tears of joy rolled down his cheeks. He closed the book and said, 'Wife, back again at last upon that old Rock to die.'" - Pastor Charles Haddon Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Taken from Spurgeon's Sermon Notes]

What's Missing? An Expose' of Modern Bible Translations

What's Missing? An Expose' of Modern Bible Translations , by Pastor Mike Hoggard  Recommended sermons: Unashamed of Inerrancy, Part ...