Friday, January 13, 2023

Today in the News - Saturday, January 14, 2023

                 Today's Headlines:

  1. "This is Election Interference": House Oversight Veteran on Biden Classified Documents -
  2. Can Irael Mediate an End to the Ukraine War? -
  3. Big American Farm Sounds the Alarm: Livestock Numbering in Millions Could Starve to Death -
  4. Yes Virginia, There is a Deep State. And it's Worse Than You Think! -
  5. Project Veritas Strikes Again: Pfizer Scientist Admits the Unthinkable on Hidden Camera...They All Knew... -
  6. The Creepy Cult Surrounding the Gas Stove Panic Gets Exposed -
  7. Republican Led House of Representatives Pass Two Pro-Life Initiatives Including the 'Born Alive' Bill -
  8. Emergency Doctors Call for Immediate Suspension of mRNA "Vaccines" Because of Serious Harm they Cause -
  9. Biden's Education Department Targets Texas School Superintendent for Removing Explicit Books From School Libraries -
  10. The Biden Administration Takes Aim at Israel -
  1. Katie Pavlich: This is What Democracy Looks Like -
  2. Katie Pavlich: Is Biden's Classified Information Fiasco an Impeachable Offense? -
  3. Paul Craig Roberts: The Ever Widening War -
  4. Johnstone: Western Journalists Are Cowardly, Approval Seeking Losers -
  5. Josh Hammer: Is the Deep State Coming After Joe Biden? -
  6. Oliver North: To 118th Congress: Welcome Aboard. Now Get to Work - Part I -
  7. Ron Paul: Trump's Tax Returns Show Evil of Income Tax -
  8. Dan Bongino Video: A National Security Nightmare is Happening -
  9. Allen West: An Election, Not a Coronation -
  10. Chuck Norris: Why Our Founding Fathers Didn't Celebrate the Holiday Like We Do -
  11. Ben Shapiro: The Death of Eternal Truths and the New Paganism -
  12. Cal Thomas: Bad Political Theatre -
  13. Ann Coulter: Happy Kwanzaa! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI -
  14. Patrick Buchanan: Still Against "Dead Consensus" -
  15. John Stossel: COVID: Who Was Right? -
  16. Stephen Green: So Long, and Thanks for all the Judges -
  17. Andrew Napolitano: A Government That Assaults Liberty -
  18. David Stockman: If McCarthy's Concessions Enable Debt Crisis - Bring it On! -
  19. Larry Elder: Random New Year's Thoughts -

20 Theories on Life After Death

20 Theories of Life After Death - Here are 3 quotes from this article: "According to Christians, spirits are eternal and, if y...