Friday, April 28, 2023

Today in History - April 29

A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from

1945 - Dachau concentration camp is liberated by United States troops (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts: Faith & Victory in Dachau, by Jacobus Overduin

1968 - The controversial musical Hair, a product of the hippie counter-culture and sexual revolution on the 1960s, opens at the Biltmore Theatre Theatre on Broadway, with some of its songs becoming anthems of the anti-Vietnam War movement (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts: Should Christians Watch Movies? by Dr. David P. Murray

[Note: The text for this sermon is Revelation 18:4 (Audio):

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, my people, that ye be not partaker of her sins, and that ye share not in her plagues."
Recommended poems: The Devil's Vision & The Bible or the TV Guide

The following quotes are from Ann Coulter's book, Treason: Liberal Treachery from the Cold War to the War on Terrorism

Here is what Ann Coulter has to say about the Vietnam War:
  • "Vietnam is the Left's favorite war because America lost."
  • "Historical accounts of the Vietnam War are incomprehensible because liberals refuse to admit the failure of their national security strategy. The only important lesson from the Vietnam War is this: Democrats lose wars."
  • "In the great Democratic tradition of taking the nation to war without a plan to win, only the Democrats could have produced Vietnam."
  • "President Lyndon Johnson, who inherited the war when Kenedy was assassinated, viewed the Vietnam War as a method of proving the Democrats could be trusted with foreign policy, which they cannot."
  • "Nixon had been elected in part based on his promise to end the war honorably. He would have done so, too, but for Democrats in Congress,"
  • "A Republican President either wouldn't have started that war, or would have won it pretty fast."

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America