Sunday, April 30, 2023

Today in the News - Monday, May 1, 2023

    Today's Headlines:

  1. Pupils as Young as Seven are Being Encouraged to Wear a Badge Which Displays Whether they Used Male, Female or Non-Binary Pronouns -
  2. Epstein's Private Calendar Emerges: Among Prominent Names Listed are Biden's CIA Chief, Goldman Top Lawyer -
  3. Justice Alito Has 'Good Idea' Who Was Behind Roe V. Wade Leak Believe Motive was Assassination -
  4. Blacklist of the Unvaccinated: Is Big Brother Tracking You? -
  5. WEF Members Summoned to Accelerate and Advance the 'Great Reset' -
  6. Not Again! Report Says U.S. Supported 'Extremely Dangerous' Biolab in Another Country -
  7. 'Come Here': Young Girl Refuses Biden's Attempt to Lure Her into the White House -
  8. US Lawmaker: 700,000 to 1 Million Gather at US Border After Title 42 Ends (Video) -
  9. A Torrent of Layoffs - Here Are 16 Large Companies That Have Just Announced Massive Terminations -
  10. What Happened in Hospitals During COVID? -
  11. Ukraine Peace Deal or Nuclear War? Art of War=Deception -
  12. Irish LGBTQ+++Lady Inmate Proves He Shouldn't Be Housed with Women -


  1. Ann Coulter: Expel Them Again -
  2. Pat Buchanan: DeSantis Was Right on Ukraine -
  3. Tyler Durden: Walmart Abandons Unprofitable Chicago Stores After Investing "Hundreds of Millions" in the City -
  4. John Stossel: Save the Planet, Invest in Fossil Fuels -
  5. Ron Paul: Will the End of the Petro Dollar End the US Empire?  -
  6. David Stockman: Why Decades of Inflationary Finance are Finally Coming Home to Roost -
  7. Ben Shapiro: The Left's Favorite Lie: Widespread White on Black Crime -
  8. Lew Rockwell: How Greening the Economy will Destroy America  -
  9. Katie Pavlich: The Deadbeat Granddad -
  10. Emma Waters: The Equal Rights Amendment is the Anti-Life and Anti-Women -
  11. Stephen Moore: Scholars Rand Biggest Spending Presidents as the Greatest -
  12. Chuck Norris: The Top 10 Fears in America - Any of Them Yours? -
  13. Katie Pavlich: TikTok Just Got its Claws Into Something Else -
  14. Andrew Napolitano: What Happens When the Government Break its Own Laws? -
  15. Allen West: Why Can't We Be Friends -
  16. Larry Elder: Pro-Life: The Political Disadvantage -
  17. Cal Thomas: More or Less -
Note: Be careful where to go to for your news. The following quote is from David Rockefeller's Memoirs:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller (Source)

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America