Friday, April 21, 2023

Westminster Shorter Catechism Q & A #73-75


  •  Question: What is the eighth commandment?
  •  Answer: The eighth commandment is, Thou shalt not steal.


  • Question: What is required in the eighth commandment?
  • Answer: The eighth commandment requireth the lawful procuring and furthering the wealth and outward estate of ourselves and others.


  •  Question: What is forbidden in the eighth commandment?
  •  Answer: The eighth commandment forbiddeth whatsoever doth or may unjustly hinder our own or our neighbor’s outward estate.

 Recommended Sermons: 

  1. WSC #73-#75: Thou Shalt Not Steal, by Pastor David Reese [Text: Deuteronomy 23:15 (Audio); Exodus 20:15 (Audio)]
  2. Robbing Others, Ourselves, or God, by Rev. Gordon Dane [Text: Exodus 20:15]


News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America