Monday, July 24, 2023

Sermonaudio for Tuesday, July 25, 2023

  1. Tucker Carlson vs Asa Hutchison on Transgender Bill, by Adam McManus of Worldview in Five Minutes
  2. Mysticism and the Coming World Religion, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  3. The Suffering and Death of Christ Are the Food and Drink for Our Eternal Life, by Anthon Souman
  4. How to Evangelize, by Rev. Ian Goligher [Text: Romans 1:16]
  5. The Briefing for Wednesday, May 31, 2023, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  6. You Shall Know the Truth and the Truth Shall Set You Free, by Peter Hammond
  7. Worldview Wars in the Heartland - Jason Aldean Cancelled, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  8. Is Natural Selection Evolution? by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
  9. Pandemics and Lockdowns Have Greatly Accelerated the Homeless Problem, by Geoffrey Grider of 
  10. The Ransom Price!, by James Hamilton, The Steet Preacher [Text: Psalms 49:15-17]
  11. How Did Noah Get All the Animals Onto the Ark? by Rev. David McMillian [Text: Genesis 6:14-22]
  12. William and Mary: A Royal Portrait, by Rev. Peter McIntire [Text: Psalm 118]
  13. The Cleft of the Rock, by Rev. Roger Higginson
  14. Denominational Cooperation - A Hard Look at the Souther Baptist Convention, by Dr. Richard Caldwell, Jr. 
  15. Why is the Enjoyment of God Important? by Dr. Joel Beeke
  16. Where to Get Help for Glorifying God, by Dr. Joel Beeke
  17. Our New Dividing Line Search Engine and More, by Dr. James White
  18. Be Astonished, O Ye Heavens, at this, and Be Horribly Afraid, by John Gil 
  19. The Bible and Gender, by Dr. Alton Beal [Text: Genesis 1:27]

News Roundup and Comment

 News Roundup and Comment , by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America