Thursday, July 27, 2023

The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin

 The Exceeding Sinfulness of Sin, by Dr. Michael Barrett

The following quotes are taken from Ralph Venning's book, The Sinfulness of Sin, first published in 1667:

"This night your soul may be taken from you, and you may be in hell tomorrow." 
"As men sow in this seed time they shall reap in that harvest." 

"There will be no sleeping in hell."

"'But you only have to repent' says sin, 'God will forgive you.' To this we must say that he who has promised forgiveness to those who repent, has not promised repentance to them that sin."

"They will be in this like the burning bush, which was burnt with fire, but not consumed. As the church was on earth, so sinners will be in hell."

"Most of the past time in the world is lost time, but sinning time, or time spent in sin, is worst than lost, for it must be accounted for."

"To pay so dear a price for so vile a commodity. To pay according to the rate of heaven and be put off with hell."

"Will you be damned? Can you think calmly of going to hell? Have you no pity on your poor soul?"

"Holiness is the Beuty of earth and of heaven. They who jeer and scoff at holiness and rejoice that they are none of the holy ones, might as well make bone fires, ring the bells, and give thanks that they shall never be saved. For if they are not holy, saved they cannot be."

"To pluck out you right eye or cut off your right hand would be a pleasure in comparison to being damned in hell. A burning fever is nothing to burning in hell. Of all the miseries which have been undergone by all men it would be nothing in hell."

"If thunder, lightening, and earthquakes make men afraid and shrink together, what will hell do? If the throbbing of a toothache or gnawing of gout puts men to excruciating pain, what will hell do?"

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

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