Monday, March 25, 2024

Today in the News - Tuesday, March 26, 2024

         Today's Headlines:

  1. F-16s Scrambled as Russian Missile Enter NATO Airspace - 
  2. 'Not Likely to Happen' - Jonathan Turley Explains Why Lititia James Won't Be Able to Seize Trump's Assets (Video) -
  3. Netanyahu: Will Will Kill Sinwar, Just Like We Killed Haman in Purim Story -
  4. LGBT Takes Massive Hit After 'Pride Flag' Banned Over All US Embassies -
  5. Lawmakers Work to Humanize the Victims of Abortion in the Minds of School Children -
  6. British MP Calls for the "COVID Cabal" to Face the Death Penalty for Crimes Against Humanity -
  7. While You Were Distracted by the "Where's the Princess Kate Conspiracy" the UK Gov Confirmed 4X Vaccinated Teens and Young Adults Are 318% More Likely to Die than the Unvaccinated -
  8. What Most Young Women Want: Most Align with Conservative Positions, Study Finds -
  9. Tide Turns on 'Gender Affirming Care' -


  1. FBI Colludes with Banks in Fascist Style Surveillance Operations -
  2. What You're Not Suppose to Know About America's Founding -
  3. Professor David Clements: Unrigging National Elections -
  4. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Scariest, Most Important Criminal Case You've Never Heard of
From Yesterday's Headlines...

  • Why These Women Chose to Have 5 or More Kids -
  • My Picks from Sermonaudio for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

    Transgendering and Women in Combat - Both an Abomination to God , by Pastor Kevin Swanson Biden Fell Apart at Debates , by Adam McManus of W...