Monday, April 15, 2024

Today in History - April 16

            A special thanks to for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from
73Masada, a Jewish fortress, falls to the Romans after several months of siege, ending the First Jewish–Roman War.[4

Recommended podcast: Holy Land Tour: Masada, by Jeremy Thomas

2008 – The U.S. Supreme Court rules in the Baze v. Rees decision that execution by lethal injection does not violate the Eighth Amendment ban against cruel and unusual punishment.[13]

O.J. Simpson Passed away recently. Late night comedy host, Gutfeld, had this to say. "O.J. Simpson passed away after a short battle with cancer. Nicole Simpson Passed away after a short battle with O.J."

The following two quotes are from books written by Ann Coulter and John Grisham. I don't recall which books I found them in:

  • Ann Coulter: "[The death penalty is]...'a primitive act of retribution'...What is primitive about being arraigned, formally charged, tried, convicted by a jury, having that conviction upheld on appeal, and then being executed in a manner far gentler than their victims?...('Okay, it will only sting for a minute, Mr. Bundy!')"
  • John Grisham:  "In white America, prisons are good places where bad men pay for their crimes. In black America, prisons are often used as warehouses to keep minorities off the streets."

United Nations Renews Push for Globalized Digital Marking System to Deal with 'Emergencies'

United Nations Renews Push for Globalized Digital Marking System to Deal with 'Emergencies'  - ---------------- Reco...