Friday, August 2, 2024

Today in the News - Saturday, August 3, 2024

    Today's Headlines

  1. Double Assassination Against Iran's Proxies is Humiliation Ayatollah's Can't Afford -
  2. In Praise of Targeted Killing of Terrorists -
  3. Shocking New Revelations About Google: "They Control Billions of People" -
  4. Assisted Suicide: Canadians Are Bullied Into Lethal Injections Instead of Care -
  5. $3 Trillion Per Year for Non-Existent 'Climate Crisis?' Seriously? -
  6. How the U.S. Government Creates Violence on a Grand Scale -
  7. XY Marks the Spot: Olympic Boxer Who Failed Gender Test Beasts Woman to Tears -
  8. Unburdened by Vocabulary: Kamala Harris Dishes Fresh Word Salad During Prisoner Swap -
  9. North Korea Defector Says Kim Wants to Restart Nuclear Talks if Trump Wins -
  10. Prosecuting Kamala -
  11. Dr. Roger Marshall Announces Full Investigation Into Bias, Censorship at Google: "A Propaganda Wing of the Left" -
  12. Digital Control: Amazon Releases "Palm Payment" System -
  13. Even if Moses Endorsed Donald Trump, Jews Would Not Vote For Him -

  1. Allen West: The Prosecution of Kamala Harris -
  2. Lew Rockwell: The DEI Hire - Kamala Harris -
  3. Ben Shapiro: Kamala Harris, Candidate of Myth -
  4. Ann Coulter: How Kamala Climbed the Peak of DEI -
  5. Ron Paul: The Supreme Court Takes Two Steps Forward, One Step Back -
  6. Cal Thomas: Telling the Truth About Gaza and Israel -
  7. Katie Pavlich: Guess Who's Getting Millions from the FBI -
  8. Alex Newman: Manufacturing Enemies: Commies, Drugs and Jihad, Part 3 -
  9. John Stossel: On RFK Jr. -
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. Elon Musk Labels Himself A 'Cultural Christian." - But What Does That Mean? -
  2. Brazilian Skateboarder Quotes Bible in Sign Language to Defy Olympic Ban on Religious Displays -
  3. Iowa's Heartbeat Abortion Ban Officially Takes Place, Thousands of Babies Likely to Be Saved -
  4. 14 People Arrested in Human Trafficking Sting at Comic Con Event -
  5. These Fortune 500 Companies Remained Silent Over Trump Assassination Attempt, But Condemned J6 - 
  6. Socialism, Not US Sanctions, Ruined Venezuela -
  7. 'Bat****Crazy': Watch Kamala Boast of Rigging System to Get Taxpayers to Pay for Transgender 'Treatment' -
  8. We Have a Surprising Fact Check from Snopes About Kamala Harris -
  9. "This is Unjust!" Female Boxer Quits Olympic Match, Melts Down in Tears After 'Biological Male' Brutalizes Her in 46 Seconds -

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