Monday, August 12, 2024

Today in the News - Tuesday, August 13, 2024

    Today's Headlines

  1. U.K.'s Slide into Totalitarianism: A Grim Echo of Communist Regimes -
  2. Harris' Consistent Role in Fundamental Transformation of America -
  3. Biden-Harris Reckless Spending Added Trillions to National Debt -
  4. Brit Gets Scorched for Threatening to Enforce His Speech Ban Worldwide -
  5. Watch: Biden Goes Public on Coup Forcing Him to Quit 2024 Race -
  6. The European Union is Not Happy That Musk is Interviewing Trump Tonight - 
  7. The Forever Wars Go Full War on Terror -
  8. Hiroshima: A 'Military Base' According to President Truman -
  9. Kamala Harris Opposes Voter ID Laws, But Requires IDs to Get Into Her Modest Rallies -
  10. Who's Getting 'Bidened' Next? -
  11. 3 Weeks into Joining Campaign, Kamala Still Has No Policies -
  12. LOL! Not Even KJP Can Name Any of Kamala's Accomplishments -
  13. Pandemic 2.0 Will See Police, NATO Forcing the World to Get Vaccinated -
  14. Ford Patents Tattletale Cars -
  15. Pelosi Admits to Masterminding Biden Exit -
  1. Katie Pavlich: Is Kamala Going to Get Away with This? - townhall. com
  2. Allen West: Duty, Honor, Integrity, Valor - Empty Words to the Democratic Party -
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. 5 Things to Know About Tim Walz's faith, Church and ELCA -
  2. After Congress Approval: US to Provide Israel with $3.5 Billion for Military Equipment -
  3. Olympic Pres: We Would Screen Out Men if Science Could Tell Men and Women Apart - (Excerpt: "Science has a foolproof way of telling you whether someone is a man or woman — chromosomes. If they’re XY, you’re looking at a guy."]
  4. 9 Facts About Tim Walz's Church -  
  5. Pence: 'I cannot endorse' either Major Presidential Ticket -
  6. The FBI, Leading Indicator of Deep State Priorities -
  7. JD Vance Spanks CNN Anchor on Why Kamala Hasn't Done an Interview in Weeks -
  8. Watch: Biden Goes Public on Democrats Coup Forcing Him to Quit 2024 Race -
  9. Watch Mark Levin: The Ruling Class Has 'Seized Authority Over This Country'
  10. The Ardent Pipe Dreams of American Votes -
  11. The Election is Not About Biden or Trump -