Entire Antidepressant Drug Industry is a Hoax; "Chemical Imbalance" of the Brain Was Completely Fabricated as the Cause for Clinical Depression - naturalnews.com
For further research...
CDC: Youth Suicide Up 56% in a Decade, Homicide Rate Up 18% After Decline - breitbart.comStudy: Psychiatric Diagnosis Worthless and "Scientifically meaningless" - thenewamerican.com
The SSRI Connection to Suicides, Spontaneous Murder and Mass Shootings - lewrockwell.com
Recommended sermons:
Ultimate Death: Suicide, by Rev. Ian Brown
The Causes of Depression, by Dr. David P. Murray
The Cures of Depression, by Dr. David P. Murray
On the Brink of Suicide, but Delivered by Grace, by Rev. Stephen Hamilton
Self-Harm and Suicide, by Dr. Ian Brown