Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Kudos to Starbucks...for Once!

 I was having Wi-Fi issues at home so I went to Starbucks to use their Wi-Fi so I could post my blog for today. A man walked in and asked the person behind the counter if he could use their restroom. The person behind the counter said, "Ya, of course!"

I'm probably as far away from Starbucks on religion and on politics as you can get, but for once they got it right! So many businesses - I'm thinking especially of restaurants now - post signs that restrooms are for paying customers only (Well, they don't actually say "paying" but everyone knows what they mean. 

If these businesses were really honest, they would post a sign like this: "If you're not buying something from us, don't even ask if you can poop in our toilets! Have a nice day."

Recommended reading:

  1. Yes, I'm Mad at Starbucks, but the Christmas-Less Cups are Not the Problem - pjmedia.com
  2. Starbucks Sets Up Re-Education Camps for Baristas - americanthinker.com
  3. Starbucks Fired Christian Employee for Refusing to Wear LGBT 'Pride' T-Shirt, Lawsuit Claims - christianpost.com
  4. The Dark Side of the Starbucks Standdown - nationalreview.com

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