Friday, August 5, 2022

The Briefing for Friday, August 5, 2022

 The Briefing for Friday, August 5, 2022, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr. 


Recommended reading:

  1. Rich Christians in an Age of Hunger - Moving From Affluence to Generosity, by Ron Sider
  2. Productive Christians in an Age of Guilt Manipulators - A Biblical Response to Ron Sider, by David Chilton

Note: I've read Ron Sider's book. I have not yet read David Chilton's book. I suspect the truth falls somewhere in between these 2 books. But here is a quote from the Late Dr. Lewis B. Smedes book, Mere Morality - What God Expects from Ordinary People:

"A baby born, through no choice of her own, into a poverty stricken family has a right to nourishing food, a warm bed, and loving care. But as she grows, she also has a need to flourish as a human being. She needs education and books, music, access to dentists and doctors, and a chance to develop her gifts for creative work."

"Maybe the prophets wanted the rich to invite the poor into their homes, maybe they wanted the poor to be befriended and supported by gentle arms of friends. Maybe friendliness. But at least justice, at least the rights of the poor respected."

 "Today we call a person who continually rescues another person a codependent. In effect, codependent, boundaryless people, 'co-sign the note' of life for the irresponsible person. Then they end up paying the bills  - physically, emotionally and spiritually - and the spendthrift continues out of control with no consequences. He continues to be loved, pampered, and treated nicely. Establishing boundaries helps codependent people stop interrupting the Law of Sowing and Reaping in their loved one's lives. Boundaries force the person who is doing the sowing to also do the reaping."

Steve Ram: ‘If You Stay, YOU’RE GOING TO DIE’… Milton Hurricane

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