Monday, August 1, 2022

Today in History - August 2

 From 338 BC to 47 BC:

338 BC - A Macedonian army led by Philip II defeated the combined forces of Athens and Thebes in the Battle of Chaeronea, securing Macedonian hegemony in Greece and the Aegean (Source

216 BC - The Carthaginian army led by Hannibal defeats a numerically superior Roman army at the Battle of Cannae (Source)

49 BC - Caesar, who marched to Spain earlier in the year leaving Marcus Antonius in charge of Italy, defeats Pompey's general Afranius and Petreius in Llerda (Lerida) north of the Ebro river (Source

47 BC - At Zela, Caesar defeats Pharnaces, son of Mithridates the Great, who has earlier invaded Pontus. Caesar's comment on the victory is "Veni, vidi, vici" (I came, I saw, I conquered) (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Church History: The Intertestamental Period, by Andrew Webb

Intertestamental Period 1: Medeo-Persia and Greece Under Alexander, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 2;7;8]

Intertestamental Period 2: Alexander's Empire Divided, Israel Abused, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 8;11]
Intertestamental Period 3: The Maccabean Revolt and the Rise of the Hasmoneans, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 11]
Intertestamental Period 4: Early Roman Rule and Herod The Great, by Pastor David McManus [Text: Daniel 7:7]
Intertestamental Period 5: Herods and Emperors and Rebellions, Oh My! by Pastor David McManus

1776 - The signing of the United States Declaration of Independence took place (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

George Washington: A Biographical Sketch, by Rushdoony, R.J.

The American Mind in 1776, Part 1

1943 - The Holocaust: Jewish prisoners stage a revolt at Treblinka, one of the deadliest of Nazi death camps where approximately 900,000 persons were murdered in less than 18 months (Source)

Recommended sermons and podcasts:

Monsanto to Be Acquired by Bayer, the Nazi-Era IG Farben 'Crimes Against Humanity' Poison Chemical Company - 

Abortion: The New Holocaust, by Rev. Roger Higginson

Auschwitz: A Foreshadowing of Hell, by Rev. Ian Brown [Text: Psalm 116:3 (Audio); Psalm 137:7 (Audio)]
The Holocaust of Hell, by Dr. David P. Murray [Text: I Thessalonians 1:7-9 (Audio)]
Who Brought the Holocaust to America and the World? - Planned Parenthood's 100th by Pastor Kevin Swanson

The Holocaust Encyclopedia: Bayer -

Recommended reading:

 Maybe Coke Should Be Cancelled for its Nazi Past -

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