Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Today in History - August 3

  A special thanks to Wikipedia.com for following historical information. The sermons I have chosen from Sermonaudio.com

1914 - World War I: Germany declares war against France, while Romania declares its neutrality 

The following messages on World War I are by Dr. Peter Hammond:

Did You Know These Facts About the First World War?
The Clash of Civilizations and the Forces Behind the Great War
Assassination in Sarajevo
Evaluating the Propaganda of the Great War
Evaluating Hollywood Films on World War I
Versailles - 100 Years Ago
The Christmas Truce

Recommended videos:

Snoopy and the Red Baron, by The Royal Guardsmen
Snoopy's Christmas Vs. the Red Baron, by The Royal Guardsmen

1946 - Santa Claus Land, the world's first Amusement Theme Park, opens in Santa Claus, Indiana, United States

I got the following great poem from Jason Cooley's message: 5 Facts About Christmas

‘Twas the night before Christmas and strange as it seams

I wasn’t indulging in covetous dreams
But while reading my Bible I searched for a clue
Why Christians take part in this holiday too
I plainly could see that it carried his name
But the spirit behind it just wasn’t the same
The song spoke of wise men, of virgin and child,
Of shepherds of God and all men reconciled
But nothing was said of the blood of the cross
Of repentance and faith and counting the cost.
They sang of the babe, his miraculous birth
But not of the day when he shall judge the whole earth.
My Bible said nothing of Santa and toys
Of frosty the snowman and small drummer boys
A reference to Rudolph not once did I see
But it seems that Jeremiah did once mention the tree
I sat and I pondered this curious matter
When out on the roof there arose such a clatter
That I knew in a moment he soon would be here
So I prayed in the spirit and said without fear
He slipped down the chimney Quick as a flash
And stepped from the fireplace all covered with ash
There stood St. Nick with his bag and his beard
He looked at the Bible I held and he sneered
Another fanatical Christian I see
No stockings no holly no pictures of me
I asked him if Jesus was God in the flesh
He said that was something he couldn’t confess
He said I am Santa I have come from afar
I stood in the truth, “The Devil you are!”
That suit and that beard doesn’t fool me one bit
Your jolly deception is straight from the pit!
Beneath all you’re ho ho ho Lucifer lurks
With your all seeing eyes and your gospel of works
Like a thief in the night you impersonate Christ
Returning to judge the naughty and nice
So call Christmas pagan he said, that’s OK
'Cause that’s what my sons at the Watchtower say.
You’ll look like a pagan or like a deceiver
But none will suspect you of being a believer
I said, I don’t care what your servants will say,
My loyalty lies with the Ancient of Days.
No matter how many abuses are hurled
My Bible says “Be not conformed to this world.”
You have no power and no part of me,
So I stand on God’s Word and command you to flee.
He squealed like a pig that was stuck with a knife
He ran to the chimney and climbed for his life.
And I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight
Merry X-Mas to all and to all a dark night!

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