Sunday, August 14, 2022

Today in the News - Monday, August 15, 2022

         Today's Headlines:

  1. Biggest Polio Threat in Years Sparks Alarm from New York to California -
  2. Brandon Smith: Artificial Intelligence - A Secular Look at the Digital Antichrist -
  3. IRS Hiring Spree is the Biggest Expansion of Police State in American History -
  4. 2024 Election Being Rigged 'Right Now in Plain Sight' -
  5. Making Oxygen with Magnets Could Help Astronauts Breath Easy -
  6. Surprise! Biden Top Advisor and Mao Supporter Just Admitted She Previously Worked for Pfizer -
  7. Rev. Franklin Graham: 'I'm Afraid. I Think Many Americans Are' -
  8. The IRS is Hiring; Snowflakes Need Not Apply -
  9. Bannon and Kerik Fear Assassination Attempt on Trump is Next -
  10. American Stasi: What Police Sirens Outside Mar-A-Lago Really Mean -
  11. Federal Judge who Approved Warrant to Search Trump's House Was an Obama Donor with linka to Jeffrey Epstein -
  12. The FBI is Already Interfering with the 2024 Election -


  1. Ann Coulter: Merrick Garland is a Lunatic - 
  2. Ron Paul: Pelosi's Taiwan Trip Exposes US Policy as Dangerous, Deadly and Dumb -
  3. Ben Shapiro: The Day the FBI Raided Donald Trump  -
  4. Andrew Napolitano: Roe Haunts From Its Grave -
  5. Patrick Buchanan: Who Won the Taiwan War Games? -
  6. Inflation Reduction Act: Another DC Lie -
  7. Oliver North and David Goetsch: Why Military Enlistments Are Plummeting -
  8. Katie Pavlich: The Lefts' 'Democracy Charade' is Finally Exposed -
  9. Larry Elder: What About Democrats Who Deny Elections? -

Covid Tyranny was International MILITARY Op, NOT 'Public Health': New Dossier

  Covid Tyranny was International MILITARY Op, NOT 'Public Health': New Dossier - The New American Except: "The virus did not d...