Monday, August 15, 2022

Today in the News - Tuesday, August 16, 2022

          Today's Headlines:

  1. Orwellian Moments Abound -
  2. Minneapolis Teachers Union Contract Calls for Layoff of White Teachers First -
  3. Why Solar Power is Failing Amid Record-Breaking Heat -
  4. Wow!!! CDC Completely Reverses Course. It's Over -
  5. $80 Billion NBOA - "National Bleed Out Act" - Will Make Sure The IRS Can Collect Your Unpaid Taxes or Medical Bills at Gunpoint -
  6. The Mar-a-Lago Raid: What Happened and What's Next? -
  7. IG: "FBI...Identified 81 Email Chains...That Were Classified...and Sent to or From Clinton's Personal Server -
  8. Monkeypoxing Around With 'Don't Say Gay' -
  9. Trump Accused of Lying Over FBI-Seized Passport - Then He Dropped the Receipt's -
  10. If the Republicans Can't Win Against These People, They Don't Deserve to Win -


  1. Ann Coulter: Merrick Garland is a Lunatic - 
  2. Ron Paul: Pelosi's Taiwan Trip Exposes US Policy as Dangerous, Deadly and Dumb -
  3. Ben Shapiro: The Day the FBI Raided Donald Trump  -
  4. Andrew Napolitano: Roe Haunts From Its Grave -
  5. Patrick Buchanan: Who Won the Taiwan War Games? -
  6. Inflation Reduction Act: Another DC Lie -
  7. Oliver North and David Goetsch: Why Military Enlistments Are Plummeting -
  8. Katie Pavlich: The Lefts' 'Democracy Charade' is Finally Exposed -
  9. Larry Elder: What About Democrats Who Deny Elections? -

The Cost of Free Money

  The Cost of Free Money  - ------------------- Recommended reading:  Stop the Insanity: Our National Debt Now Tops $35 Tri...