Saturday, September 3, 2022

The New World Order is Firing All Their Rockets Against America

The New World Order is Firing All Their Rockets Against America, by Geoffrey Grider of


Would that all the "Maga-Republicans" could say from their heart, ""We are like William of Orange, with a few followers and an empty purse, making war against the master of half the world, with the mines of Peru for a treasury. But like William, too, when questioned concerning our resources, we can reply, 'Before we took up this cause we entered into a close alliance with the King of Kings.'" - David Gacey, as quoted in Spurgeon's Sermon Notes

The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary

  The Gospel of Drag Queens and Woke - Exporting Woke to Botswana and Hungary , by Pastor Kevin Swanson