Wednesday, August 30, 2023

50 Worst TV Network Decisions in TV History

 50 Worst TV Network Decisions in TV History -

Recommended podcasts:

  1. TV's Power of Suggestion - The Other 13 Reasons Netflix Won't Dare to Mention, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Should Christians Watch Movies? by Dr. David P. Murray. Note: The text for Dr. Murray's sermon is Revelation 18:4 (Audio): "And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, my people, that ye be not partaker of her sins, and that ye share not in her plagues."

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Transgendering and Women in Combat - Both an Abomination to God , by Pastor Kevin Swanson Biden Fell Apart at Debates , by Adam McManus of W...