Tuesday, August 29, 2023

My Picks from Sermonaudio for Wednesday, August 30, 2023


  1. Integrating the Homeschool Into Life - Homeschooling and Family Life, by Pastor Kevin Swanson
  2. Pope: Morals Evolve, by Adam McManus of Worldview in Five Minutes
  3. The Briefing for Tuesday, August 29, 2023, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  4. So What's Really At Stake Here? Christian Education is a Matter of Life and Death, by Dr. R. Albert Mohler, Jr.
  5. Directed Energy Weapon Used in Maui?, by Pastor Geoffrey Grider of Nowtheendbegins.com
  6. Addressing Abortion in Today's Climate, by Jim Schneider of Crosstalk America
  7. Dinosaurs - Living With People? by Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis
  8. Christ the End of the Law, by Pastor Charles Spurgeon (1834-1892) [Text: Romans 10:4]
  9. Life Ethics - Abortion, Contraception, and Genetic Mutilation, by M. Keith Foskey
  10. Ancient Icemen Leave Evolutionists Stunned - Answers News/Answers in Genesis
  11. Virgins, Witches, Bestiality and Idolatry, by Sam Knickerbocker
  12. Chrystal Clear: What the Bible Says About Christians and Crystals, by Dave Jenkins
  13. Vikings4Christ, by Peter Hamond
  14. Pope Francis "Growth" and "Consolidation" and Trent Horn, with Dr. James White
  15. Exiting the Hall of Faith, by Rev. Gregory McCammon[Text: Hebrews 11:32-40]
  16. Death Ethics: Suicide, Euthanasia, and Capital Punishment, by Dr. Burt Jordon [Text: Romans 13:1-7]
  17. What Have You Come Here For? by Dr. Jerry Bilkes [Text: Ephesians 4:17-31]
  18. Richard Dawkins Debunked on God and Truth, by Paul Flynn
  19. Hurricane Idalia - Before the Storm, by Sergio Voitenko
  20. God's Mandate for Marriage, by Rev. Peter MacIntire

What if Climate Doomsday Predictions are More Politics Than Science?

 What if Climate Doomsday Predictions are More Politics Than Science? - msn.com -------------------------- Recommended reading:  Carney Wil...