Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Today in the News - Wednesday, April 3, 2024

     Today's Headlines

  1. Six Missiles from an F-35: This is How the Top Iranian Official was Eliminated - israelnationalnews.com
  2. Open AI and Microsoft Reportedly Planning $100 Billion Datacenter for an AI Supercomputer - tomshardware.com 
  3. Chinese Set News Record for Pig Liver Transplant - americanmilitarynews.com
  4. Canada: Judge Rules Woman with Autism Can Seek Medically Assisted Suicide - 100percentfedup.com
  5. Debunking the 'Supposed Historical' Christian View That Abortion is OK - dailysignal.com
  6. WaPo and the Hamas War - americanthinker.com
  7. Why Are So Many Young People Getting Cancer? - lewrockwell.com
  8. Is the CIA America's '1984'-Style 'Big Brother?' - wnd.com
  9. 2+2=Racist! Bill Gates Tries to Cleanse Math of 'White Supremacy' - wnd.com


  1. FBI Colludes with Banks in Fascist Style Surveillance Operations - thenewamerican.com
  2. I Can't Keep This to Myself Any Longer - Michael Franzese
  3. Watch: Tucker Carlson: How AI Will Affect Work 
  4. What You're Not Suppose to Know About America's Founding - thenewamerican.com
  5. Professor David Clements: Unrigging National Elections - thenewamerican.com
  6. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Scariest, Most Important Criminal Case You've Never Heard of wnd.com
  1. David Stockman: How the Federal Debt Has Gone Parabolic... - lewrockwell.com
  2. Katie Pavlich: KJP Really Doesn't Want to Explain Biden's Use of the Term 'Bloodbath' - townhall.com
  3. Cal Thomas: One More Try at Reducing the Debt - townhall.com
  4. Ron Paul: The Senate Calls Out Out of Control Spending a National Security Threat, Keeps Spending Anyway - lewrockwell.com
  5. Ann Coulter: NYC Subway: Where Safety is No. 30 or Something - townhall.com
  6. Ann Coulter: Too Dumb for Harvard? Lemon's Too Dumb for Twitter - townhall.com
  7. John Stossel: '15 Days to Stop the Spread' - townhall.com
  8. A Struggle for the Nation: Few Canadians Challenge Communist Threat While Thousands Rally for Islamic Terrorists (Op-Ed) - rairfoundation.com
  9. Llewellyn: How the Democrats Plan to Steal the Election - lewrockwell.com
  10. Ron Paul: Congressional Omnibus is Like a  Bad Hollywood Movie Sequel - lewrockwell.com
  11. Cal Thomas: The Smell of Mendacity - townhall.com
From Yesterday's Headlines..

Today in the News - Monday, October 7, 2024

                 Today's Headlines Texas AG Paxton Sues City of Austin for Using Taxpayer Dollars to Fund Abortions Out of State - life...