Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Today in the News - June 12, 2024

      Today's Headlines

  1. 15 Things I Saw at the 2024 Pride Parade - dailysignal.com
  2. Trump's VP: The Magnificent 7, Rated - americanthinker.com
  3. Watch: Pelosi in Panic After Explosive Jan. 6 Riot Admission - wnd.com
  4. Watch: Tucker Carlson: Tyranny is Here Biden Jails Steve Bannon - wnd.com
  5. Alex Jones' InfoWars Could Get the Death Penalty - pjmedia.com
  6. Ukraine is a 'Gold Mine' - US Senator - rt.com
  7. The Destruction of Julian Assange - lewrockwell.com
  8. The Five Stages of Denial When Skeptics Are Faced with Economic Collapse - zerohedge.com
  9. Buy Now, Pay Later Craze Coming to Apple Pay - zerohedge.com
  10. Video: The Savage Truth About Trump's 'Convictions' - frontpagemag.com
  11. Leftist Humiliates Herself on TV with Inability to Explain Trump's 'Crimes' - thenewamerican.com

  1. Chuck Baldwin: Congress Criminalizes the New Testament - lewrockwell.com
  2. Tucker Carlson: Erik Prince: NATO Vs Russia, The Secret of Drone Warfare, and CIA Corruption - lewrockwell.com
  3. Cal Thomas: When You Never Have to Say Sorry - townhall.com
  4. Michael Snyder: Mass Exodus to Red States - endoftheamericandream.com
  5. Jerry Newcombe: The 'Death to America' Crowd - townhall.com
  6. Anti-Liberty Conservatives Want More Theft - lewrockwell.com
  7. Sarah Arnold: 'Genocide Joe,' Biden's Chances of Re-Election Look Bleak - townhall.com
  8. David Stockman: The Continual Rise in the Cost of Living - lewrockwell.com
  9. Ben Shapiro: Joe Biden: Political Pinwheel - wnd.com
  10. Betsy McCaughey: College Sides with Radicals and Students Be Damned - townhall.com
  11. Ann Coulter: Stormy Daniels: The Rosa Parks of Porn Stars - townhall.com
  12. Ann Coulter: How Liberals Pay Off Their Bimbos - townhall.com
  13. John Stossel: Minimum Wage Folly - townhall.com
  14. Katie Pavlich: Biden Ruled Out a Pardon for Hunter, But There is Another Option - townhall.com
  15. One Look at Biden's Top Advisor Explains His Support For Hamas - townhall.com
 Earlier  Headlines
  1. Montgomery County Parents Bring Elementary Schoolers to Kids' Pride Parade - dailysignal.com
  2. Is There a Financial Crisis Bubbling Under the Surface - zerohedge.com
  3. The Achilles Heel of the Fiat Money System - lewrockwell.com
  4. "We Designed mRNA to Kill": CIA Whistleblower? - lewrockwell.com
  5. World Economic Forum Says, "Let Them Eat Fake Meat" - americanthinker.com
  6. CNN Segment Claims Israeli Hostages Were 'Released' - townhall.com
  7. Google Snubs 160,000 Normandy Heroes, Celebrates Lesbians Instead - wnd.com
  8. U. Minnesota Dept. of Gender, Women and Sexuality Studies: A Vile Font of Jew Hatred - frontpagemag.com