Sunday, August 6, 2023

Today in the News - Monday, August 7, 2023

              Today's Headlines:

  1. Survivor: Sex Trafficker Took All Girls to Planned Parenthood -
  2. "Banana Republic:" Dershowitz Says Biden 'Urged' Garland to Indict Trump, Jack Smith 'Could' Be Indicted Under KKK Statute -
  3. Will Dems Become the 'Election Deniers' in 15 Months? -
  4. Is Kentucky Ark More Popular Than Noah's Original? -
  5. Majority of GOP, Independents Voters Want to End US Aid to Ukraine -
  6. Transgender 'Women' Aren't -
  7. "Climate Change" Fanatics Are the Greatest Threat the World Faces Right Now -
  8. Scottish Gov't Axes 16 Million Trees to Make Way for Greener Solutions -
  9. Silk Road Paved with Cash: Court Records Confirm Millions Flowed to Biden Family from China -
  10. Watch: Giddy Rich Woman Uses Big Brother Palm Print to Buy Groceries -
  11. Here's the Real Game Colin Kaepernick is Playing, It's Not Football -
  12. Why is America's 'Woke Left' Silent Over Block Buster Child Sex Trafficking Film? -
  13. Five (Possibly) Good Things That Could Come from Trump Indictments -
  1. Jerry Newcombe: God's Children Are Not For
  2. Gina Louden: What Do the Trans Radicals, Pro-Abortion Activists, and Sex Traffickers All Have in Common? -
  3. Steven Tucker: The Mother Church: Turning God Trans... -
  4. Michael Master: A Conspiracy to Get Trump? You Bet There is -
  5. David Neal: Why the Assassination of JFK Matters to Us Today -
  6. Allen West: The Pitfalls of Identity Politics -
  7. Ann Coulter: Breaking: Trump Still an Idiot  -
  8. David Stockman: Why RFK Jr. is the Only Candidate Who Can Oppose the Unipaty System... -
  9. Michael Snyder: From "America the Beautiful" to "America Smeared with Feces"... -
  10. Ben Shapiro: No, Israel is Not in Existential Danger of Civil War -
  11. Star Parker: Who Knew? Good and Evil Are Defined by Harvard's President -
  12. Jill Hines: There Should Be No Argument: No One Has the Right to Hurt Any Child -
  13. Ben Shapiro: Ukraine, Inner Cities and Character Attacks -
  14. Lew Rockwell: The Smear Against RFK Jr. -
  15. Jacob G. Hornberger: The Archilles Heel of the JFK Assassination -
  16. John Stossel: Smears for Money -
  17. Joe Watson: (Video) 'Barbie' is the New Feminist Epic No One Wants -
  18. Spencer Brown: FBI Director: I Am the Law -
  19. Michael Snider: Lonely America: More Americans Are Living Alone Than Ever Before -
  20. Chuck Norris: Does the Character of Our Political Leaders Matter Anymore? -
  21. Katie Pavlich: Let's Talk About 'The Weather' -
  22. Ron Paul: Your Kid's School Went 'Woke'? Consider Homeschooling -
  23. Cal Thomas: Tony Bennett: More Than a Crooner -
  24. Doug Casey: Robert F. Kennedy and Why the Deep State Hates Him -
  25. Andrew Napolitano: Has Liberty Died in Our Hearts? -
  26. Tyler Durden: Auto Insurers Hit By Worst Crisis in "30 Years", Sends Premiums Skyrocketing -
  27. Confidence in American Colleges in Freefall -
Note: Be careful where to go to for your news. The following quote is from David Rockefeller's Memoirs:

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries.” - David Rockefeller (Source)

Steve Ram: ‘If You Stay, YOU’RE GOING TO DIE’… Milton Hurricane

  Please consider making a donation to Samaritan's Purse : Massive Response Follows Hurricane Helene's Gut Punch .